



Consrv is an app dedicated to educate people about the environment and inspire the next generation of activists and change-makers.

Consrv is an app dedicated to educate people about the environment and inspire the next generation of activists and change-makers.

Consrv is an app dedicated to educate people about the environment and inspire the next generation of activists and change-makers.

Consrv is an app dedicated to educate people about the environment and inspire the next generation of activists and change-makers.







The global population is currently depleting finite ecological and natural resources at an unsustainable rate, endangering our planet's future.

Despite the longstanding urgency of climate change, a concerning number of individuals still deny the reality of environmental degradation.

To address this critical issue, Consrv aims to unravel the complexities of environmental data and foster education and engagement, empowering people to take meaningful steps towards sustainability.

The global population is currently depleting finite ecological and natural resources at an unsustainable rate, endangering our planet's future.

Despite the longstanding urgency of climate change, a concerning number of individuals still deny the reality of environmental degradation.

To address this critical issue, Consrv aims to unravel the complexities of environmental data and foster education and engagement, empowering people to take meaningful steps towards sustainability.




16 days




Product Design


How can we utilize technology to curb the decline of our environment and inspire society to adopt eco-conscious choices?


Design an app that can help unravel the intricacies of environmental data and empower individuals to drive change.


How can we utilize technology to curb the decline of our environment and inspire society to adopt eco-conscious choices?


Design an app that can help unravel the intricacies of environmental data and empower individuals to drive change.


How can we utilize technology to curb the decline of our environment and inspire society to adopt eco-conscious choices?


Design an app that can help unravel the intricacies of environmental data and empower individuals to drive change.


How can we utilize technology to curb the decline of our environment and inspire society to adopt eco-conscious choices?


Design an app that can help unravel the intricacies of environmental data and empower individuals to drive change.

ideation and research

key findings

Since it was my very first encounter with UI/UX design, I was met with many challenges and ended up being ultimately unsatisfied with my project. This prompted me to come back to this and approach it with a more experienced and skilled lens.

Using the skills I gained from working at Meemo, I was able to take a deeper look at my process and iterate on it. However, the values, goals, and motivations for Consrv remained. I still wanted to take a more gamified strategy and adapt behaviors and experiences from my favorite apps like CoStar, Duolingo, and common social media to the whole experience.

After a few wireframes and design roughs, I came up with Version 1 of the new Consrv. However, after taking a closer look and prototyping it, I realized that there are some areas of repair. Using my learnings from Meemo in creating our new design system as we prepared for Version 2 of our app, I went back to the drawing board and tried to identify the areas to improve.

I need a solid design system to make each element effective and make it more visually cohesive. Using familiar patterns can also help with the entire UX and lessen the user's need to learn new behaviors in the app.
Gamify each section to make the experience more fun and rewarding for users. Although the initial designs already used this strategy, it needed a more well-defined structure to make the entire experience more engaging.

design solution


Educational Content: Consrv provides a rich repository of educational content, including articles, infographics, and videos, covering various environmental topics such as climate change, biodiversity loss, renewable energy, and waste management. The content is curated by environmental experts to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Educational Content: Consrv provides a rich repository of educational content, including articles, infographics, and videos, covering various environmental topics such as climate change, biodiversity loss, renewable energy, and waste management. The content is curated by environmental experts to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Educational Content: Consrv provides a rich repository of educational content, including articles, infographics, and videos, covering various environmental topics such as climate change, biodiversity loss, renewable energy, and waste management. The content is curated by environmental experts to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Educational Content: Consrv provides a rich repository of educational content, including articles, infographics, and videos, covering various environmental topics such as climate change, biodiversity loss, renewable energy, and waste management. The content is curated by environmental experts to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Interactive Challenges: The app offers interactive challenges and quizzes that encourage users to learn and test their knowledge about environmental issues. Completing challenges rewards users with points, badges, and other incentives, fostering a sense of accomplishment and healthy competition among users.

Interactive Challenges: The app offers interactive challenges and quizzes that encourage users to learn and test their knowledge about environmental issues. Completing challenges rewards users with points, badges, and other incentives, fostering a sense of accomplishment and healthy competition among users.

Interactive Challenges: The app offers interactive challenges and quizzes that encourage users to learn and test their knowledge about environmental issues. Completing challenges rewards users with points, badges, and other incentives, fostering a sense of accomplishment and healthy competition among users.

Interactive Challenges: The app offers interactive challenges and quizzes that encourage users to learn and test their knowledge about environmental issues. Completing challenges rewards users with points, badges, and other incentives, fostering a sense of accomplishment and healthy competition among users.

Actionable Tips: Consrv empowers users to make sustainable choices in their daily lives. The app offers practical and actionable tips on reducing carbon footprints, conserving water, adopting eco-friendly habits, and supporting green initiatives.

Actionable Tips: Consrv empowers users to make sustainable choices in their daily lives. The app offers practical and actionable tips on reducing carbon footprints, conserving water, adopting eco-friendly habits, and supporting green initiatives.

Actionable Tips: Consrv empowers users to make sustainable choices in their daily lives. The app offers practical and actionable tips on reducing carbon footprints, conserving water, adopting eco-friendly habits, and supporting green initiatives.

Actionable Tips: Consrv empowers users to make sustainable choices in their daily lives. The app offers practical and actionable tips on reducing carbon footprints, conserving water, adopting eco-friendly habits, and supporting green initiatives.

visual design

design system



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Want to say hello?

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Want to say hello?

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